What is a Otoplasty (Ear Pinning Surgery)?

Otoplasty, commonly known as ear pinning surgery, is a cosmetic procedure designed to change the shape, position or size of the ears. The surgery is typically pursued by individuals looking to correct protruding ears or ears that are disproportionately large compared to their head. During otoplasty, a surgeon makes incisions behind the ears or within the inner creases to reshape the cartilage.
The procedure may involve removing cartilage, bending it into the desired shape or using permanent sutures to hold the ears in a new position closer to the head. Ear pinning surgery aims to create a natural appearance with ears that are in better harmony with the face and head, boosting self-confidence and comfort in one’s appearance.


Otoplasty: At a Glance

Starts from

2200 1500 1400

Age Range

from to
9 45

Operation Duration

Min Max
1 hours 1,5 hours






7 days

Final Results

from 6 to 12 moths


2 weeks

Back to Work

7 days


3-5 cm behind the ear fold





 *The values given in this table are approximate. Results may vary from person to person.

Are You a Suitable Candidate for Otoplasty (Ear Pinning Surgery)?

Suitable candidates for otoplasty or ear pinning surgery, are typically individuals who are self-conscious about their ears that may stick out too far from their head or are misshapen. Children who are at least 5 years old and have fully developed ear cartilage are potential candidates, making this one of the few cosmetic procedures suitable for young patients.
Adults can also undergo otoplasty and are generally good candidates if they are in good health, do not smoke, and have realistic expectations about the outcome. It’s important for all potential otoplasty candidates to have a detailed consultation with a qualified surgeon to discuss the goals and potential risks of the ear pinning procedure.

Benefits of Otoplasty (Ear Pinning Surgery)?

The benefits of otoplasty or ear pinning surgery, extend beyond mere aesthetic enhancement. One of the primary advantages is improved self-confidence and psychological well-being, particularly for individuals who have been self-conscious about their protruding ears. The procedure can correct various issues such as overly large ears, misshapen ears or ears that protrude too far from the head, bringing them into better proportion with the face and head. For children, the surgery can prevent bullying and teasing often associated with prominent ears.
Additionally, otoplasty offers long-lasting results, with ears maintaining their new shape permanently. The surgery also has a relatively short recovery time and minimal scarring, as incisions are typically hidden behind the ears. Overall, otoplasty provides both functional and emotional benefits, enhancing the quality of life for patients.

How common is Otoplasty (Ear Pinning Surgery)?

Otoplasty or ear pinning surgery, is a commonly performed cosmetic procedure worldwide. It’s particularly prevalent among children and adolescents, making it one of the more frequent cosmetic surgeries in pediatric populations. The surgery’s popularity stems from its effectiveness in correcting protruding ears, a common concern that can affect self-esteem and social interactions. With growing awareness of the procedure’s safety and benefits, more people are choosing otoplasty for themselves or their children.
The widespread availability of skilled cosmetic surgeons who can perform ear pinning surgery has also contributed to its commonality. As techniques continue to improve and awareness increases, otoplasty remains a popular choice for those seeking cosmetic improvements to the ears.

How to Prepare for a Otoplasty?

Preparing for an otoplasty or ear pinning surgery, involves several important steps to ensure a successful procedure and recovery. Firstly, a detailed consultation with a qualified surgeon is essential to discuss your goals, the procedure, and any potential risks. During this consultation, be sure to disclose your full medical history and any medications you are taking.

Pre-surgery instructions may include stopping certain medications that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs. If you smoke, you will be advised to quit well before the surgery, as smoking can hinder the healing process.

Patients are usually instructed to fast (not eat or drink) for a certain period before the surgery. It’s also important to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and ideally stay with you for at least the first night.

Preparing your home for recovery is crucial. This includes having a comfortable resting area, pain medication as prescribed by your surgeon, and ice packs to help manage swelling.

By carefully following these preparation steps, patients can help ensure a smoother otoplasty experience and recovery.

Otoplasty Surgical Process

The surgical process of otoplasty, commonly known as ear pinning surgery, is a well-established procedure designed to reshape the ears. The process typically includes the following steps:

Anesthesia: Otoplasty is generally performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s age and the extent of the procedure.

Making the Incision: The surgeon usually makes an incision behind the ear to access the ear cartilage. This placement ensures that any scarring is well-concealed.

Reshaping the Ear: Depending on the desired outcome, the surgeon may remove a small piece of cartilage or reshape the cartilage by folding and stitching it into place. In some cases, non-removable sutures are used to maintain the new shape.

Closing the Incisions: Once the desired shape is achieved, the surgeon closes the incisions with stitches. These may dissolve on their own or may need to be removed later in a follow-up appointment.

Otoplasty: What to Expect

When undergoing otoplasty or ear pinning surgery, patients can expect a transformation in the appearance of their ears, aligned with their cosmetic goals. Immediately following the surgery, it’s common to experience swelling, bruising, and some discomfort around the treated area, which can be managed with medication prescribed by the surgeon. The ears may feel tender or numb for a few days, and patients are usually advised to wear a headband to protect the ears, especially at night.

The initial healing phase may last a few weeks, during which patients should avoid any activity that might put pressure on the ears. While the immediate changes are noticeable, the final results of the ear pinning procedure can take several months to fully emerge as the swelling subsides and the ears heal. Most patients can return to work and normal activities within a week, but should follow the specific recovery guidelines provided by their surgeon.

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Risks of Otoplasty

As with any surgical procedure, otoplasty carries some risks. Common concerns include infection, bleeding, and a reaction to anesthesia. Specific to ear pinning surgery, there is a risk of unsatisfactory results, such as asymmetry in ear position or shape. Some patients might experience changes in skin sensation around the ears or prolonged numbness. Scar tissue formation, which can affect the final aesthetic outcome, is also a possibility.

Although rare, more serious complications can include blood clots or problems with wound healing. It’s important for patients to discuss these risks in detail with their surgeon prior to the procedure and to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to minimize potential complications. Following the surgeon’s post-operative care instructions carefully also plays a critical role in reducing risks and ensuring a smooth recovery.

Maintaining Long-Term Results: Post-Otoplasty Care

To maintain the long-term results of an otoplasty or ear pinning surgery, proper post-operative care is essential. After the surgery, patients are usually advised to wear a headband or special dressings to support and protect the ears, especially during sleep. It’s important to follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding the care of the surgical site, including cleaning and applying any prescribed ointments.
Avoiding strenuous activities and contact sports for a period recommended by the surgeon is crucial to prevent any damage to the reshaped ears. Keeping the head elevated and limiting exposure to direct sunlight can also help reduce swelling and promote healing. Long-term, patients should continue to protect their ears from excessive sun exposure to prevent skin damage.
By adhering to these care guidelines, patients can help ensure the longevity of their otoplasty results and enjoy their new ear contours for years to come.

Results of the Otoplasty Permanent?

The results of an otoplasty or ear pinning surgery, are typically permanent. The procedure involves reshaping or removing cartilage, and once this is done, the ears usually maintain their new position for a lifetime. However, it’s important to note that while the changes made during the surgery are permanent, factors such as aging and injury can potentially alter the appearance of the ears over time.
In the absence of significant trauma or other rare circumstances, patients can expect the aesthetic improvements achieved with an otoplasty to be a lasting change. The permanency of the results is one of the reasons why otoplasty is a highly satisfying procedure for many patients seeking cosmetic improvement for protruding or misshapen ears.

Is Otoplasty Painful?

Otoplasty, commonly known as ear pinning surgery, is typically performed under anesthesia, ensuring that the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. Post-surgery, it’s normal to experience some discomfort, swelling, and tenderness around the ears. The level of pain varies from person to person but is generally manageable with prescribed pain medications.

Most patients report that the discomfort following an otoplasty is mild to moderate and subsides within a few days to a week. It’s important for patients to follow their surgeon’s instructions regarding pain management and post-operative care to aid in a smooth and comfortable recovery. The surgeon may also recommend specific measures, such as wearing a headband to minimize movement and support the ears, which can contribute to reducing discomfort.

While there is some discomfort associated with the recovery process, most patients find it to be less intensive than anticipated and feel that the long-term benefits of the surgery outweigh the temporary discomfort experienced after the procedure.


Otoplasty Prices

When researching ‘otoplasty prices’, it’s important to consider various factors that contribute to the overall cost. Otoplasty prices can vary depending on the surgeon’s expertise, the complexity of the procedure, and the geographical location of the clinic. In searching for ‘otoplasty prices’, patients often seek value for money without compromising on quality. ‘Otoplasty prices’ at clinics like V for Aesthetics in Turkey are competitive, offering high-quality services at more affordable rates compared to many Western countries.
Understanding ‘otoplasty prices’ involves looking at the full scope of the surgery, including pre- and post-operative care, the surgeon’s fees, and facility costs. Patients considering otoplasty should ensure they receive a comprehensive breakdown of ‘otoplasty prices’ to make an informed decision.

Otoplasty in Turkey

‘Otoplasty in Turkey’ has become a popular choice for individuals seeking high-quality and cost-effective ear pinning surgery. The growing trend of ‘otoplasty in Turkey’ is attributed to the country’s renowned medical expertise in cosmetic surgery, combined with affordable treatment options. Clinics specializing in ‘otoplasty in Turkey’, such as V for Aesthetics, are known for their skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and excellent patient care.
The advantage of choosing ‘otoplasty in Turkey’ lies not only in the attractive pricing but also in the opportunity to receive world-class medical care. ‘Otoplasty in Turkey’ also allows patients to explore the rich cultural and scenic beauty of the country, making it a holistic experience. With ‘otoplasty in Turkey’, patients can expect a seamless experience from consultation to recovery.

Otoplasty Near Me

When searching for ‘otoplasty near me’, finding a clinic that excels in both expertise and patient care is paramount. This search is about more than just proximity; it’s about locating a facility renowned for its exceptional ear pinning surgery outcomes. ‘Otoplasty near me’ often leads individuals to explore options like V for Aesthetics in Turkey, known for its high-quality otoplasty procedures. Patients looking up ‘otoplasty near me’ should prioritize clinics that offer comprehensive consultations, skilled surgeons, and personalized care plans.
Especially in regions like Turkey, ‘otoplasty near me’ searches can yield world-class facilities offering state-of-the-art services at competitive prices. By focusing on ‘otoplasty near me’, patients can find the perfect blend of quality, convenience, and affordability for their ear pinning surgery needs.

For More Information

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on the subject.